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Mending The Billionaire Scotsman (MacLachlan Brothers Romance Book 2) Page 3
Mending The Billionaire Scotsman (MacLachlan Brothers Romance Book 2) Read online
Page 3
“She really is.” Paige nodded.
Rory nodded. He’d liked Paige’s sister the second he met her. Then again, he’d heard nothing but good things from his family. “Penelope comes across as a sweet woman. My mum and Annis love her. Gettin’ Annis’s approval was a feat I didnae think possible.”
“Annis?” asked Sarah.
“Duff’s wife,” answered Paige.
“Ye met her?” asked Rory.
Paige nodded. “Yeah. During the show, family was invited to visit, and I was there. I really like Annis.”
Rory snorted. “Annis is a tough woman to like.”
“I don’t think so. She’s so blunt. I love it. People call it rude, but I call it honest.” Paige shrugged.
“That’s a positive way to spin it.” Rory grinned.
The waiter came to the table with their food, and once he was done, the conversation continued.
Sarah popped a fry into her mouth and began fanning it with her hand. “Oh, hot. Hot!” Then her eyes widened. “Oh!” Sarah stopped, pulled out her phone, and quickly took a picture of her food. “This will go great with our first post. It looks absolutely delicious. People will want to visit just for the food. I’ll make it funny. Like, wait a second before popping a fry in your mouth unless, of course, you want blisters on your tongue.”
Paige laughed. “It looks more than delicious,” she said, holding her hand in front of her mouth as she chewed. “Best food I’ve ever eaten.” She finished her bite. “Although, it could be that I’m comparing it to the ton of peanuts I ate, and there really is no comparison.”
“Aye, I told ye.” Rory was enjoying his time with Sarah and Paige. He especially liked how Paige was so animated when she was excited. Her eyes would sparkle, and the corners of her pale pink lips would curve up in a continuous smile. And her laughter was bright and bubbly.
Paige wrinkled her nose and grinned. “And you were so right.”
“So, Rory, I know you work on the farm, but is there any chance you could play tour guide while we’re here?” asked Sarah.
“Oh, I doubt he has time for that. You heard him. He’s needed on the farm,” Paige said, her voice rising with each word.
“Let me see what I can do. Angus owes me.” Rory winked.
Paige shook her head as she looked at him. “No, no, we wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“No intrusion made. I need a vacation anyway. I’d be happy to show ye around while yer here.” It was as if his mouth had a mind of its own. What on earth did he just agree to? Tour guide? Inwardly, Rory groaned. The last thing he wanted was to play tour guide to two lassies. One of which he was very much attracted to.
Although, if Angus worked with Taran, it would force them to talk. Rory was convinced if they could just talk, their relationship could be repaired. And they needed to have their friendship restored so the family could be whole again. The animosity Taran held wasn’t just directed at Angus. He’d become solitary, withdrawn, and angry.
Besides, just because Rory was attracted to Paige didn’t mean anything had to come of it. He could handle showing them around if it meant Angus and Taran were talking again. This would work. It would be a legitimate excuse. Couldn’t have Penelope’s sister and best friend getting lost. And maybe if he planned something outside of Rosegail Bridge, he wouldn’t be available to bail anyone out.
A slender finger tapped the table at the edge of his plate. “Rory?”
He jerked his head up and could feel heat racing across his cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
Paige tilted her head. “Lost in thought?”
“Aye, ye could say that.”
Sarah wiped her mouth with her napkin. “We’re good listeners.”
“Oh, nothin’ like that. I was just goin’ through a list of places I think ye two should see. I’ll have yer sightseein’ so full ye’ll think ye’ve seen the whole of Scotland.”
“Where would we start?” asked Paige.
With a candlelight dinner? Geez, he needed to stop. He wasn’t about to get involved with anyone. His heart wasn’t on the market anyway. “Well, that would depend on ye two. Of course, since you like architecture, we could start with the castles.”
The smile Paige gave him made his heart race. Her bright green eyes sparkled, and she came alive. “I’d love that, but Sarah isn’t as interested in architecture as I am. Maybe we could see those sandwiched with other sites.”
Sarah rolled her eyes. “I’d be fine. It’s different here. I don’t care about skyscrapers, but old castles are cool.”
“How about Cawdor Castle first? It will fill both bills. It’s where Macbeth was set. It’s rather fairy-tale like. Beautiful gardens.”
“Is that near Rosegail Bridge?” asked Paige.
“Naw, it’s in Edinburgh. I just need to make some arrangements for my chores on the farm.”
“How far is Edinburgh?” Paige looked at him with curiosity.
“It will involve another plane ride, but it’s not too bad.”
Paige tilted her head and looked at Sarah but directed the comment at Rory. “That sounds a lot like going out of your way.”
“Naw, it’ll keep that family of mine from ropin’ me into workin’ on the farm.”
Paige chewed her thumb. “I don’t know. We didn’t really budget for hotel stays.”
Rory grinned. “I’ve got accommodations, so dinnae worry about that. Plus, it’s more for me than it is for the two of ye. I need the vacation.”
“What kind of accommodations?” Paige asked.
“Dinnae worry. I’ve got a home there just on the edge of town. It has three bedrooms with two of them bein’ upstairs. If Penelope goes, two of ye’ll need to share a room, but that’s the worst of it.”
“Oh.” Paige shrugged as she looked at Sarah.
“I think that would be great.” Sarah chewed her bottom lip. “Are you sure you want to do this? I know I asked, but I can’t imagine this being all that exciting for you.”
Rory grinned. “Showin’ my country to two bonnie lasses? I’d say I got the better end of the deal.”
Paige lifted an eyebrow and looked at Sarah. “You’re charming.” She cut a glance at Rory, and the corners of her lips quirked up.
“Naw, just callin’ it like I see it. Besides, it’s always interestin’ to see things through the eyes of someone who has never been here before.”
“Then you’ll get a good dose of that,” said Sarah.
Paige sat back and held her stomach. “I was eating while talking. Bad combo. I think I ate too much, but it was so good I couldn’t stop myself.”
“No dessert, then?” asked Rory, his tone playful.
Sarah exhaled. “Not if I plan on walking out of here unassisted. I’m stuffed too.”
The waiter dropped off the check, and Rory snatched it. “My treat.”
“But you picked us up,” argued Paige.
“Aye, and I treated ye to lunch.”
“Okay, but we’re footing the bill while you show us around. Deal?”
Rory stuck out his hand. “Shake on it.”
“Sure.” Paige shook his hand and locked gazes with him.
The tingle from her slender hand traveled through his fingers and down into his stomach. He pulled his hand back as the rush made him feel light-headed. It had been a long time since he’d felt that. Those green eyes were trouble, and the woman they were attached to, even more trouble.
“Let’s get ye two settled at the guesthouse. I’m sure Penelope is excited to see ye.”
Chapter 5
“Thanks for lunch. I think we’re going to take a nap.” Paige stood just inside the guesthouse door as Rory set her luggage down.
Sarah nodded. “Yes, thank you.”
“I’ll see ye two later tonight.”
“Okay.” Paige smiled up at him and then shut the door, leaning against it. She didn’t come to Scotland to find a man; she came to rescue her sister. Keep it together, girl.
When she tur
ned her attention to the house, she found it quaint and cozy with dark wood rafters crisscrossing. Plaster walls were painted in soft earthy colors, and a fireplace sat in the corner of the living room. A leather couch lined the far wall facing her while two leather recliners sat across from it. A trio of matching tables rounded out the look and made the whole room feel welcoming.
To the left, there was a dining nook attached to a galley kitchen. Straight ahead, Sarah had flipped a light switch on and stopped midway.
“Paige! You’ve got to see this,” Sarah called from the hall.
Paige grabbed her luggage and pulled it to where she stopped next to Sarah. Photographs lined the walls, showing a heritage that made her jaw drop.
“It’s incredible.” Her gaze landed on one of the photos, and she stepped forward. “Wow, look at this one. It’s super old, but the man looks a lot like Rory.”
Paige’s gaze roamed over the walls. “And this house is incredible. Look at the detail. Handcrafted using local materials.”
“You could study this all day, couldn’t you?” Sarah smiled.
Paige sighed. “It’s just…you can feel the history in this place. It’s like warm cookies and Grandma’s hugs. I bet the farmhouse is even better.”
Sarah touched Paige’s arm. “This is going to be a great trip. I’ll get to see gardens, and you’ll get to see castles. And we’ll both have a gorgeous tour guide.”
“He is gorgeous, isn’t he?” She cringed.
“If you like the dark-haired, dark-eyed type. Which you do.”
“I came here to see the sights and watch my sister get married. That’s it.” Paige continued down the hall, peeking into a bedroom on the right. “I think Penelope is in that one. I’m going to take the one across the hall. If that’s okay with you.”
Sarah walked past her, pulling her luggage. “Sure.”
They each deposited their luggage, and then Sarah joined Paige in the kitchen. It was a pretty little kitchen with enough room to easily accommodate two people preparing a meal. It was painted the same shade of soft brown as the living room. Dark wood cabinets that looked much like the beams on the ceiling lined the walls and had stone countertops.
From what Paige could see, the guesthouse had been updated pretty recently, but the aged charm of the place hadn’t been lost with the renovation. She wandered from the kitchen to the dining table and sat down.
“You okay?” Sarah said as she joined Paige, placing a glass of water in front of her and taking a sip of her own.
“Yeah, just full of fish and chips and jetlagged.” Paige chuckled.
“Me too. I think I’m going to drink some water and stretch out in my room. I believe a nap is the best prescription for me at the moment.”
Paige yawned. “Me too.”
“So, Rory, he’s super cute, huh?”
“Cute? More like beautiful. I mean, he makes Angus look average.” Her eyes widened at the confession. Oh man…
“I don’t know about that.” Sarah’s lips quirked up, and her eyes glittered. “But he seems pretty sweet. Getting our lunch for us.”
Paige had to agree. Rory seemed incredibly sweet. “Yeah. Wonder when he’ll be taking us to Cawdor Castle.”
“Hopefully soon. I’m excited to see it. He said it was like a fairytale.” Sarah wiggled with excitement.
“Wanna google it?” Sarah caught her bottom lip in her teeth as she smiled.
Shaking her head, Paige said, “No, I want to be surprised.”
“That’s what I was thinking. After our daily outings, we can come back and do our blog posts. Both of us can write one.”
Sarah nodded. “That’s a good idea. We’ll both have a different take on the same sights, and we can appeal to more people.” She yawned.
“I know I said I’m tired, but at the same time, I feel wired,” said Paige through a yawn.
They sat at the table, continuing to talk about their sightseeing plans, until the door opened and Penelope appeared. “Hey, Sarah. Hey, Paige. I see you got here safely.”
“Yeah, you ditched us, though.” Sarah winked and stood as Penelope neared the table. They hugged each other, and then Penelope leaned down and wrapped her arms around Paige’s shoulders.
“I’m sorry. The baker Angus wants to use had a cancellation, and we had to jump on it.”
“Did you pick out a cake?” asked Paige.
“Vanilla with lemon frosting. It’ll be light yellow and decorated with flowers.”
Sarah sighed. “That sounds so pretty.”
Penelope sat between Sarah and Paige. “Based on the cakes I saw, it will be. I think I’ll be sad to cut it.” Her forehead wrinkled. “You two look like you could use a nap.”
“You have no idea. Rory treated us to lunch. On top of being tired, we’re full. In fact, I think I’m going to go ahead and lie down.” Sarah stood. “I’ll see you two later.” She set her glass in the sink and left Paige and Penelope alone.
“How was your flight?” asked Penelope.
Paige shrugged. “Fine. I ate a ton of peanuts.”
Penelope chuckled. “I think I felt the same way by the time our plane arrived. I’m still recovering.”
“It sounds like you and Angus are getting things straightened out for the wedding.”
“We are. I waited for you and Sarah before looking for my wedding dress. I hope you don’t mind, but I invited Annis and Muriell.”
Paige smiled. She liked them more than she liked Angus. “I don’t mind. This is your special day, and you get to share it with whomever you want.”
“So, you’ve decided it’s okay for me to get married?”
That isn’t at all what Paige had decided, but she was worn out from traveling. When she finally came clean with Penelope, she wanted to be rested and thinking clearly. “I’m reserving judgment. I’m going to keep an open mind and get to know Angus. My biggest issue is the length of time you’ve known each other and the fact that he started all of this as a way to improve his image.”
Penelope inhaled and let it out slowly. “I know, and I understand. I also know I was wrong about Tom, but I’m not wrong about Angus. He loves me.”
Paige nodded. She hoped Penelope was right. Her judgment when it came to Tom had been so off that it made Paige worry. Then again, who was she to say anything? Tyler had bamboozled her too. She let out a soft chuckle. They were twins in more ways than one.
“What?” asked Penelope.
“Oh, nothing. I think I’m starting to lose it.” Paige stood. “Oh, Rory wants to take us to Edinburgh to see a castle. Do you want to go with us?”
“I was hoping to go dress shopping first. Could we postpone it a week? If I don’t find anything here, maybe I could look in Edinburgh. I’ve also made reservations to see a couple of venues and pick out some flowers. I’d like to get as much wedding planning done as possible before we go.”
Paige shrugged. “Sure. I’ll just need to tell him.”
“You go take a nap, and I’ll go talk to him. I’ll wake you up when it’s time for dinner.”
Penelope stood, and they hugged each other.
“Thank you so much for coming.” Penelope squeezed a little tighter.
“I’ll see you later,” Paige said through another yawn and shuffled out of the kitchen to her room.
Chapter 6
Rory was in the living room of the farmhouse when he heard Angus and Pop enter through the back door. He leaned against the doorframe between the kitchen and living room as they talked and laughed. Angus’s light, carefree spirit brightened the house and made things feel better than they had in a while.
Angus’s gaze fell on him, and his face lit up. “I didn’t know you were here.”
“I was hopin’ to talk to ye for a moment. I’ve come for my payment.” Rory grinned.
Angus stopped next to Rory, his hands on his hips. “Already? I thought I’d have some time. Not much interest to be gained claiming it this quick.”
“Oh, I’ll have my interest when ye know what I want as payment.”
Angus’s face fell. “I’m not going to like this, am I?”
Rory grinned. “Depends on how ye look at it.”
Pop stood. “I think I’ll make myself scarce. That way I can claim ignorance.” He walked out of the kitchen. That he favored his hip wasn’t lost on Rory. Pop’s heavy footsteps could be heard on the stairs.
“What do you want, Rory?” Angus asked as he eyed him.
“Sarah and Paige have asked me to show them around Scotland while they’re here. I told them I’d see what I could do. Normally, I couldna, but with ye bein’ here to help Taran on the farm, I can.”
Angus shook his head. “Rory, no. Taran will have nothing to do with me. If we push him, I could lose him completely.”
“I’ve already promised them. I’m takin’ them to Edinburgh in a week. I’m goin’ to be gone at least two weeks, possibly three now that we’ve added dress huntin’.”
Angus’s eyebrows drew together. “But pushing him.”
“And if ye dinnae, the result’ll be the same.”
Angus rubbed his knuckles along his cheek, letting out a long breath. “If he sees me, he’ll go the other direction.”
Rory pushed off the doorframe and moved past Angus and into the kitchen. “Look, there is only one way to get this fixed, and that’s to talk. He has to have help runnin’ this farm. It’s perfect timin’. When I looked at the pasture today, I’m guessin’ we’ve got about a week until we need to start checkin’ the fence in the second pasture, and then we’ll need to move the herd.”
Angus took a deep breath. “It’s been a while since I’ve done that.”
A smile stretched on Rory’s lips. “Aye. We’ll have to check that whole section of fencin’. He’ll nae be able to deny the help. Pop cannae. I know he says his hip is fine, but he favors it. Pop cannae help even if Taran wants him to, and he knows it. And I’ll make sure Duff has a heads up and is busy. With me gone, Taran’ll have nae choice and nae fall back.”
Stroking his beard, Angus sighed. “And you think this will work? It’s not like he can’t hire help.”